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Welcome to the Game Hunting Guide Page.

Here, you will find articles that contain notable facts and attributes common among many popular game animals from numerous regions both in the United States and around the world. Amidst additional topics in association with game hunting, we are always publishing content with the intent of bettering your hunting experience along with lending information that might be new to you. Browse our ever-expanding collection of articles and become more familiar with these magnificent animals and their seemingly boundless surroundings.

Barbary Sheep

Barbary Sheep

Where to find Barbary Sheep and how to recognize them. Barbary Sheep or Aoudad sheep, the mountain climbers and friend of desert lands. These sheep are robust and have the...

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Canada Goose

Canada Goose

Where is the Canada Goose found? Canada Geese have a growing population that grants them residence within numerous North American regions, such as all of the Canadian...

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California Valley Quail

California Valley Quail

Get to know the California Valley Quail. California Valley Quails are easily identified by their plump shape and plume. A friend to civilization, California Valley quails,...

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Ring-Necked Pheasant

Ring-Necked Pheasant

What is the most popular game animal hunted for sport? Ring-Necked Pheasants are highly regarded as being one of the most popular species hunted for sport, known as a “game...

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Chukar Partridge

Chukar Partridge

What lands are Partridge Chukars native to? Chukar Partridges belong to the pheasant and grouse family; and they are native to southern Asia and the Middle East. These birds...

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Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey

Where do Rio Grande Turkeys live? Rio Grande Turkeys have a steadfast presence within the United States, being found within the following states: western California,...

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Are Javelinas pigs? The peccary, commonly known as the Javelin, Javelina, what will be referenced in this article, or Musk hog, may be many things, but not a pig. Despite...

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Wild Pig

Wild Pig

Where are Wild Pigs found? Wild Pigs, commonly referred to as wild boars, feral hogs, and/or not so much your barnyard pig, are easy to recognize through their notable...

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West Coast Pig Hunts

West Coast Pig Hunts

Where is a good place to hunt wild pig? Wild Pig Hunts can take you many places around the world. With a sound presence in Eurasia, North Africa, and Oceania, wild pigs have...

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