What are the Laws and Regulations for Hunting in Louisiana?

The Department of Fish and Wildlife of Louisiana manages, conserves, and promote wise utilization of Louisiana’s renewable fish and wildlife resources and their supporting habitats through replenishment, protection, enhancement, research and development. When hunting seasons begin in Louisiana, all hunters must have a hunting license as well as other required permits unless they are exempt. No person born on or after Sept. 1, 1969, shall hunt unless that person has been issued a certificate of satisfactorily completion of a Hunter Education course. It is illegal to trespass private land along with destroying the natural habitats of all species. No hunter shall poison, sell, buy, or willfully waste any game, unless is specified to do so. It is prohibited that hunters hunt in powered-on vehicles as well as using aircraft as an aid to locate wild game.
*Visit Louisiana’s Hunting Regulations Guidebook for More Information*

Alligator hunting is a popular big game hunt in Louisiana. It is divided into an East and West zone, and the seasons vary depending on which zone you are hunting in. In order to participate in an alligator hunt you will need both a license and a tag. The daily and season quota is equal to the number of alligator tags you purchase. There are three different alligator hunting methods you can use: hook and line, bow, and firearm
General Season:
- East zone: Opens the last Wednesday of August for 60 days
- West Zone: Opens first Wednesday of September for 60 days
*For more information, visit the Louisiana Alligator Hunting page*
The Eastern wild turkey is the largest game bird native to Louisiana, and is pursued by up to 20,000 hunters every year. Prior to hunting a turkey, all hunters must acquire both a license and a tag. The tags must be in possession while and must be placed on the turkey immediately after being harvested. There are three different areas available for turkey hunts.
General Season:
- Area A: April 2-May2
- Area B: April 2-25
- Area C: April 2-18
*For more information, visit the Louisiana Seasons and Regulations page*

Louisiana is considered one of the most important wintering areas for waterfowl in the United States and provides a large breeding habitat for hordes of ducks and geese. The water fowl hunting zones are divided into three areas, and the hunter must have both a license and a federal duck stamp. The daily bag limit is 6 ducks, and the posession limit is 18 ducks.
General Season:
- East Zone:November 14 – December 6 and December 19 – January 31
- West Zone:November 14 – December 6 and December 19 – January 24
- Coastal Zone:November 14 – December 6 and December 19 – January 24
*For more information, visit the Louisiana Seasons and Regulations page*