Wondering What The Arizona Hunting Laws and Regulations Are?

The Arizona Game and Fish Department follows a multi-tiered process for setting hunting season structures. This process aheres to hunting season dates, hunt permit allocations, and other controlling elements for regulating hunting of game animals along with their populations. When hunting in Arizona, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful to surpass the daily limit along with hunting game on private land without permission. It is also unlawful to hunt in a powered-on vehicle or shoot 100 yds near a public road or an occupied building. No hunter shall sell, buy, import, export, any game animal unless a permit is on hand as well as destroy natural habitats of the game.
*Visit Arizona Wildlife Fish and Game Guidebook For More Information*

The most numerous, widespread and popular of Arizona’s big-game animals are deer. The state has two distinct species, the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).
The most abundant deer in Arizona is the Rocky Mountain mule deer. Mule deer are not limited to any one type of terrain, being found from sparse, low deserts to high forested mountains. Generally they prefer the more rugged country.
*Successful Hunts based on Arizona Legal Requirements.
- Archery Season: August 21, 2020 – December 31, 2020
- General Season: October 23, 2020 – December 31, 2020
*Seasons differ based on legal requirements, draw, method and hunts in different zones – Visit Arizona Hunting Seasons for specific information.
Pronghorn are native to the prairies of North America. At one time they numbered in the millions and were found on the open plains from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains and from Mexico to central Canada. With the European settlement of the plains, the population was reduced nearly to extinction. In Arizona, pronghorn are found primarily in the northern plains. They also inhabit high elevation meadows between forested areas, semi-desert grasslands, and scattered herds are found in the grasslands of southeastern Arizona. The endangered Sonoran pronghorn occurs in Mexico and southwestern Arizona.
*Successful Hunts based on Arizona Legal Requirements.
- Archery Season: August 7, 2020 – September 3, 2020
- General Season: September 4, 2020 – October 11, 2020
*Seasons differ based on legal requirements, draw, method and hunts in different zones – Visit Arizona Hunting Seasons for specific information.

In Arizona, two bison herds are managed by the Game and Fish Department; the Raymond herd on Raymond Wildlife Area, located east of Flagstaff, and the House Rock herd, located on the North Kaibab and House Rock Wildlife Area.
Bison are an American conservation success story and an icon of wildlife conservation. In 2016 to commemorate it’s storied past, bison were recognized as the official U.S. mammal. National Bison Day is recognized annually on the first Saturday of November.
*Successful Hunts based on Arizona Legal Requirements.
- Archery Season: August 21, 2020 – September 9, 2020
- General Season: October 9 2020 – December 31 2020
*Seasons differ based on legal requirements, draw, method and hunts in different zones – Visit Arizona Hunting Seasons for specific information.