Wondering What The Colorado Hunting Laws and Regulations Are?

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is charged by statute to protect, preserve, enhance, and manage wildlife for the use, benefit and enjoyment of the people of this state and its visitors. When hunting in Colorado, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. Hunters shall not trespass private land without permission from landowner. It is unlawful to shoot within 150 yards of public roads, person, and occupied buildings. It is also unlawful to shoot in a powered-on vehicle or use any aircrafts as an aid to locate game.
*Visit Colorado Parks and Wildlife Guidebook For More Information*

In order to obtain a mountain lion huting license, you must first complete the mountain lion education certificate issued by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. After making your kill, you must contact the CPW within 48 hours and give your name, CID number, date and unit of the kill, and sex of the lion.
- General Season: November 23 – March 31
*Seasons vary based on mountain lion population, view Colorado Mountain Lion seasons for more information*
Due to the abbundance of non irrigated cropland in Colorado, pheasant has become one of the more popular small games to hunt. To hunt pheasant you need a valid small game hunting license as well as register for the Harvest Information Program through the Colorado HIP Website. The daily bag limit is 3 per day, 9 in possession.
- Zone 1 (East of I-25):Nov. 14 – Jan. 31
- Zone 2 (West of I-25): Nov. 14 – Jan. 3
*Visit Colorado’s Small Game Hunting season for more information*

With large populations throughout Colorado, pronghorn hunting has become a popular big game choice. All hunters are required to have a hunting license, as well as habitat stamp. There are multiple seasons for pronghorn hunting in Colorado, including an archery season.
- Archery Season: September 2-30
- Muzzleloader: September 12-20
- Rifle: October 24-November 3
*For more information on the licensing, visit the Colorado Big Game hunting season page*