Curious on Connecticut Hunting Laws and Regulations?

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is charged with conserving, improving and protecting the natural resources and the environment of the state of Connecticut. When hunting in Connecticut, all hunters must have a hunting license and if you are a bow hunter, you must have a bow hunting license. It is prohibited that hunters shoot within 500 yard of roads or an occupied building and shooting in their motor vehicle. No hunter shall hunt surpassing the daily limit and while being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is also illegal to hunt on Sundays, in which it is only for hunting on licensed private land.
*Visit Connecticut Hunting and Trapping Guide For More Information*

Deer Hunting: DEEP provides hunters with a variety of opportunities to harvest deer in Connecticut. Unique deer seasons are based on equipment used to harvest deer. These seasons include:
- Archery, including the Archery-only Lottery
- State Land Shotgun, which includes the Lottery and No-Lottery Seasons
- Private Land Shotgun/Rifle/Revolver
- Landowner
- Private and State Land Muzzleloader
Review additional deer hunting information, such as chronic wasting disease, epizootic hemorrhagic disease, replacement tags, prohibited activities, hunter surveys, and more.
- General Season: November 2, 2020 – December 31, 2021
- Archery General Season: January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 (Bag Limit: 2)
*Seasons differ based on method, sex, area in different zones – Visit Connecticut Deer Seasons for specific zones*
Hunters may pursue wild turkeys during three separate seasons: Spring, Fall Archery, and Fall Firearms. A specific license and stamp are required to participate in each season. Spring turkey archery and firearms hunting bag limits and season lengths are not separate; whereas fall archery and fall firearms are separate seasons with their own unique bag limits and season time-frames.
- General Season: April 29, 2020 – December 31, 2021
- Bag Limit: 5 bearded birds (on private land or state land or a combination of both). New Regulation
*Seasons differ based on method, sex, area in different zones – Visit Connecticut Turkey Seasons for specific zones*

Each year pheasants are purchased and distributed throughout the state on state-owned, state-managed, and Permit-Required Areas. The Pheasant Program is funded by the sale of Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamps and hunting licenses and a Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration grant.
CONNECTICUT RESIDENT GAME BIRD CONSERVATION STAMP: All pheasant hunters must purchase a Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp, along with a hunting license. The Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp is also required for those who wish to hunt wild turkey, ruffed grouse, bobwhite quail, and chukar and Hungarian partridge. The stamp costs $28 for adults and non-residents. Connecticut resident youth hunters (ages 12-17) can purchase the stamp for a discounted price of $14.
- SEASON DATES AND BAG LIMITS: Pheasant stocking activities begin each year just prior to the third Saturday in October, “Opening Day,” and end the in early December. During that time-frame, pheasants are generally stocked 2-3 days each week on each area. No birds will be stocked during the third week of November when the Private Land Shotgun/Rifle season opens for deer hunters.
*Seasons differ based on method area in different zones – Visit Connecticut Pheasant Seasons for specific zones*