Wondering What the Hunting Laws and Regulations are in Massachusetts?

The Division of Fiheries and Wildlife of Massachusetts conserves and promotes fishing, hunting and wildlife resources as well as restores, protects, and manages land for wildlife.When hunting seasons begin in Massachusetts, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with a other required permits depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful to hunt without landowner’s permission as well as hunting being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is also unlawful to sell wild game meat or kill or shoot-at any game without the intention of retrieving it. No hunter shall shoot near occupied buildings, shoot across public roads, and hunt in a powered-on vehicle as well as use any aircraft as an aid to locate wild game. It is also unlawful to destroy natural habitats and hunt on Sundays, only exception would be on a licensed private land.
*Visit Massachusetts Fishing and Hunting Guide for More Information*

With a growing population in Massachussets, bobcats are becoming one of the more popular small game animals to hunt. All you need to get started is a Massachussets hunting license that can be purchased through their wildlife fish and game website. The can be hunted with either a bow or with a firearm, and due to the large population size, there is no bag limit for bobcats
- General Season: December 20 – March 8
*There are restrictions on the type of firearm or bow that can be used, please view the Massachusett’s bobcat hunting regulations page for more information*
While Massachussets might not have as many big game hunts as other states, it offers a variety of small game for hunters to choose from. One of the more popular choices is the red fox. They can be hunted both with firearms and with a bow, and have no bag limit throughout the season. All that is needed is a small game hunting license and you are all set to go fox hunting.
- November 1-Last day of February
*For more information visit the Massachusett’s fox hunting regulations page*

Wild turkey is the most popular big game hunt in Massachussets. With a thriving population and multiple hunting seasons, its no surprise that turkey hunts are growing in popularity. In order to partake in a turkey hunt you need a hunting/big game license, a turkey permit, and an official safety sticker. The bag limit for the spring season is 2 bearded birds, and for the fall season it is 1 bird of either sex. They can be hunted with either a firearm or with archery equipment.
- Spring Season: April 27 – May 23
- Fall Season: Oct. 5 – Nov. 28
*For more information view the Massachusett’s wild turkey hunting page*