What Are The Michigan Hunting Laws and Regulations?

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources are committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state’s natural and cultural resources for current and future generations. To hunt in Michigan, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful to trespass private land without permission along with hunting in a powered-on vehicle. It is also unlawful to surpass the daily limit and harass game when hunting. State law prohibits any act of destroying any natural habitat or use any devices to lure wildlife out of their natural habitat. It is also prohibited that hunters shoot in a powered on vehicle or use any aircraft as an aid to locate wild game.
*Visit Michigan’s Hunting and Trapping Guide For More Information*

In the 1960s, residents of Michigan began partaking in elk hunts as a form of population control. Since then it has rapidly become one of the most popular forms of big game hunting in the state. In order to participate in an elk hunt, you need both a big game hunting license and to apply for an elk license, which is only issued to a select few applicants. If you are one of the applicants lucky enough to get a license, you can then partake in up to 3 different elk hunting periods, with a bag limit varying based on population need.
- Hunt 1: Sept. 1 – Sept. 4, Sept. 18 – Sept. 21, Oct. 2 – Oct. 5
- Hunt 2: Dec. 12 – Dec. 20
- Hunt 3: Jan. 13 – Jan. 17, as needed based on population density
*For more information visit the Michigan Elk Hunting guide*
Black bears have been hunted in Michigan for population control since as early as the 1920s. The majoriy of the bear population is in the upper peninsula, however there are still hunts available in other parts of Michigan. There are three dfferent hunting schedules, however they can vary by both county and bear population. When applying for a bear hunt you must first have a hunting license, and then specify your hunt date on the application.
- Hunt 1: Sept. 9 – Oct. 21
- Hunt 2: Sept. 14 – Oct. 26
- Hunt 3: Sept. 25 – Oct. 26
*The dates of the hunts might vary slightly depending on the county and population. For more information view the Michigan Black Bear Hunting Guide*

Wild turkeys are one of the more widespread big game animals in Michigan. They can be hunted in multiple counties in both the upper and lower peninsula. In order to participate in a turkey hunt, you need to apply for a limited quota turkey hunting license. The bag limit is one turkey per license, however hunters can purchase one license a day until the quota has been met. They can be hunted with either a firearm or with archery equipment.
- General Season: September 15 – November 14
*For more information about turkey hunts visit the Michigan Fall Turkey Hunting guide*