Curious of What North Carolina’s Hunting Laws and Regulations are?

North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commisson is to conserve North Carolina’s wildlife resources and their habitats and provide programs and opportunities that allow hunters, anglers, boaters; other outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy wildlife-associated recreation.When hunting seasons begin, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with a other required permits depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful to hunt without landowner’s permission as well as hunting being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is unlawful to hunt on Sundays on public land. It is unlawful to hunt deer and bear in certain counties using dogs. It is also unlawful to possess, hold, release, and import any game without a permit as well as destoying any natural habitat of hunted species. No hunter shall shoot near occupied buildings, shoot across public roads, and hunt in a powered-on vehicle.
*Visit North Carolina’s Hunting Regulations for More Information*

Hunting bobcats can be done anywhere in North Carolina. To sucessfully hunt bobcat, all hunters need to have a valid hunting license. There is not hunting limit for hunters hunting bobcats.
- General Season: Oct. 12 – Feb. 28
*Visit North Carolina’s Bobcats Seasons for more information*
The black bear is the only bear species found in North Carolina or anywhere in the eastern United States. To have a successful season, all hunters must have a valid hunting license and a bear permit. No hunter shall hunt bear on a designated bear sanctuary or a bear with cubs. All hunters have a limit of one (1) bear per season.
- General Season: Oct. 12 – Jan. 1, 2021
*Seasons differ based on different locations – Visit North Carolina Bear Seasons for specific dates*

North Carolina is one of only a few states where the hunting of tundra swans is allowed. Swan hunting here follows strict guidelines with only 5000 permits issued annually. To successfully hunt the tundra swan hunters are required to have a valid hunting license and a swam permit. Hunters are only allowed to take one (1) swan per season.
- General Season: November 7, 2020 – January 30, 2021
*Visit North Carolina’s Swan Seasons for more information*