What are the Laws and Regulations for Hunting in Nebraska?

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is the arm of the Nebraska state government charged with managing the state’s fish, wildlife, park and outdoor recreation resources in the best long-term interests of the people and those resources. When hunting seasons begin in Nebraska, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits depending on the hunted specie and to take a hunter education class if born after January 1, 1975. As a hunter, you must have permission to lawfully hunt on private land. It is unlawful to party hunt or fulfill someone else’s tag as well as hunt without a valid hunting license. State law prohibits the use of artificial light and aircrafts as an aid to locate any wild game. It is also illegal to shoot across public road ways and shoot from a powered on vehicle.
*Visit Nebraska Laws and Regulations Guidebook for More Information*

One of the most sought after hunts in Nebraska is the big horn sheep hunt. This hunt came into existence as a form of population control and after having so many requests for applications, has reverted to a lottery system to decide who can hunt them. In order to participate in a bighorn sheep hunt, you have to apply for a Nebraska bighorn sheep lottery and be one of the lucky few chosen to partake in this great experience. They can be hunted with either a firearm or with archery equipment.
- General Season: Dec. 1-22, 2020
*For more information about how to join a bighorn sheep hunt, visit the Nebraska bighorn sheep hunting guide*
Mountain lions have recolonized three different parts of Nebraska, and populations have been growing steady ever since. In order to combat this population growth Nebraska has begun to allow mountain lion hunts. These big game hunts take place in the first two months of the year, and the applications must be submitted by December 9th. Once you receive a mountain lion hunting license you are elligible to partake in the hunt, however the amount you can bag can vary based on the current population size.
- General Season: Jan. 2-Feb. 28
For more information view the Nebraska mountain lion hunting page*

Elk hunting is one of the most popular forms of big game hunting in Nebraska. With seperate seasons for both archery and firearm hunts, it is no suprise that elk hunting is growing in popularity. In order to partake in an elk hunt the hunter must have both a big game hunting license and elk tag.
- Archer Bull Season: September 1 – October 31,
- Firearm Bull Season: September 21 – October 31
- Antlerless Season: August 1 – January 1
*For more information about elk hunts and regulations visit the Nebraska elk hunt guide*