Wondering what the Laws and Regulations are for Hunting in Nevada?

The Nevada Department of Wildlife is to protect, conserve, manage and restore wildlife and its habitat for the aesthetic, scientific, educational, recreational, and economic benefits to citizens of Nevada. As hunting season begins in Nevada, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie as well as anyone born after January 1, 1960 is required to provide proof of Hunter Education Course. It is unlawful that hunters trespass private land without permission as well as surpassing the daily limit. State law prohibits the use of aircrafts as an aid to locate game and hunt in a powered-on vehicle. It is also illegal to shoot across public roads and waters, and kill or shoot-at any game without the intention of retrieving it. Hunters cannot legally shoot near public roadways and occupied buildings.
*Visit Nevada’s Hunting and Trapping Guide for More Information*

Pronghorn Antelope were probably first observed in North America by European explorers in Mexico in the mid-16th century. Lewis and Clark collected the first specimen for science in 1804 and Peter Skeen Ogden reported the first Antelope in Nevada in 1829. In the mid 1800’s Pronghorn Antelope were probably more abundant than today but decreased in number during the height of livestock and mining development and settlement. In the early to mid 20th century, conservation efforts including the establishment of the Charles Sheldon Antelope Refuge, helped increase antelope numbers in the state.
- General Season: August 22, 2020 – Septembe 7, 2020
- Archery Season: August 1, 2020 – September 21, 2021
- Bag Limit: Varies per Unit/Quota
*Seasons differ based on hunts in different zones – Visit Nevada’s Antelope Seasons for specific zones*
The number of Desert Bighorn sheep in North America in pristine times is unknown, but most likely in the tens of thousands. By 1960, the overall population in the United States had dwindled to 6,700 – 8,100. These declines were attributed to excessive hunting, competition and diseases from domestic livestock, particularly domestic sheep; usurpation of watering areas and critical range by human activities; and human-induced habitat changes. Since 1960, after the adoption of conservation measures, the population trends have been upwards. In 1993 the population estimate was 18,956 – 19,040.
- General Season: September 1, 2020 – February 20, 2020
- Bag Limit: Varies per Unit/Quota
2020 Harvest Inspections
Successful hunters for bighorn sheep ram, mountain goat and bear who have their harvest physically inspected at a Department office will not be required to return a harvest questionnaire. Unsuccessful hunters for these species will still need to complete the hunter harvest questionnaire. Successful applicants for bighorn sheep ewe and mountain goat tags will need to watch an online seminar before their tags will be mailed to them. Bighorn sheep ewe hunters are not required to have their harvest physically inspected at a Department office
*Seasons differ based on hunts in different zones – Visit Nevada’s Big Horn Sheep Seasons for specific zones*

Mountain Lion
The short dense fur of Nevada Mountain Lions varies from yellow, to tawny to rusty brown or gray. The underside of the body is white and the tail is tipped in black. The back of the rounded ears and the sides of the nose are also colored black. The young are a similar light brown color, but have brownish-black spots. Mountain Lions have very muscular and powerful shoulders and hindquarters and are exceptionally strong in relation to their weights. Their claws are constructed so that the harder a victim struggles the tighter they grip. The paws are well padded with the back paws smaller than the front. They have 4 toes with 3 distinct lobes present at the base of the pad. Generally claw marks are not visible since their claws are retractable.
- General Season: Year Round
- Bag Limit: 1
*Seasons differ based on hunts in different zones – Visit Nevada’s Mountain Lion Seasons for specific zones*