Wondering What The Oregon Hunting Laws and Regulations Are?

The Oregon Fish and Wildlife is to protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations. When hunting season begins, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful to surpass the daily limit along with hunting game on private land without permission. It is also unlawful to hunt in a powered-on vehicle or shoot 100 yds near a public road or an occupied building. No hunter shall sell, buy, import, export, any game animal unless a permit is on hand as well as destroy natural habitats of the game. State law also prohibits the use of artificial light, night visions devisions, as well as any aircrafts as an aid to locate wild game.
*Visit Oregon Fish & Wildife Regulations Guidebook For More Information*

Oregon has about 6,000 cougars statewide, up from an estimated 200 in the late 1960s. Cougars are found in all suitable habitat in Oregon and their population is now very healthy. Any person hunting cougar must have on their person a valid adult hunting license for the current year and a General Season Cougar Tag and/or an Additional Cougar Tag. Any cougar taken must be presented at an ODFW office within 10 days of the kill to be checked and marked. The bag limit is one cougar per tag, except that it is unlawful to take spotted kittens or females with spotted kittens.
- General Season: Jan. 1 – Dec. 31
*Seasons differ based on if cougar quota has met – Visit Oregon’s Cougar Seasons for more information*
Pronghorn antelope are the fastest ungulates in North America and can reach speeds of up to 40 miles an hour. Oregon has about 25,000 pronghorn antelope, which are native to the Columbia Plateau and the High Desert shrublands of eastern Oregon. All hunters are required to have a valid hunting license and a pronghorn permit. The daily bag limit for pronghorns in Oregon are based on sex in different areas.
- General Season: Aug. 1 – Oct. 25
- Archery Season: Aug. 6 – Sept. 27
*Seasons differ based on location – Visit Oregon’s Proghorn Seasons and Bag Limits for more information*

Besides the Bighorn Sheep, the Rocky Mountain goat the rarest game mammals in Oregon today. To hunt a rocky mountain goat, hunters must have a valid hunting license and a rocky mountain goat permit. It is solely based on drawing in which if a hunter had drawn them, they can’t draw them again. No hunter shall hunt more than one mountain goat per draw tag. The deadline to purchase a rocky mountain goat tag is the day before the hunt begins.
- General Season: Aug. 1 – Oct. 31
*Season dates differ based on location – Visit Oregon’s Rocky Mountain Goat Seasons for specific dates*