What are the Hunting Laws and Regulations in Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania Game Commission helps to manage and protect wildlife and their habitat. When hunting season begins, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is mandatory that all successful hunters complete a harvest log after every hunt. Persons born on or after Jan. 1, 1975 must carry a valid hunter education card or hunter education exemption permit while hunting. It is unlawful to surpass the daily limit as well as sell, buy, or negotiate any game without a permit. No hunter shall trespass private land without having permission and damage the natural habitats of the species. It is also unlawful to hunt while being in a powered-on vehicle or use any aircraft to locate the hunted game.
*Visit Pennsylvania Hunting and Trapping Guide for More Information*

Black Bear
Although three species of bears inhabit North America, only the black bear is found in Pennsylvania. A population estimate in 2015 showed approximately 20,000 bears living in the commonwealth. To successlfully hunt the black bear, all hunters must have a valid hunting license, a bear permit and bear tags. Al successful hunters must complete all information on the tag and attach it to the bear’s ear immediately after harvest. Bear hunters during firearms seasons, including muzzleloader season, must wear at least 250 sq. inches of fluorescent orange on the head, chest, and back comnined, visible from 360 degrees. Hunters must only take one (1) bear per license year.
- General Season: Oct. 17 – Dec. 12, 2020
- Archery Season: Sept. 19 – Nov. 7, 2020
*Seasons differ based on location – Visit Pennsylvania’s Bear Seasons for specific dates*
According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), there are approximately 1,000 elk in Pennsylvania. State law requires hunters to have a valid hunting license along with an elk permit. Elk hunters using any firearms must wear at least 250 sq. inches of fluorescent orange on the head, chest and back combined, visible from 360 degrees. No hunter shall take more than one elk per license year.
- General Season: Nov. 2-7, 2020 ; Jan. 2-9, 2021
- Archery Season: Sept. 12-26, 2020
*Visit Pennsylvania’s Elks Seasons for more information*

Wild Turkey
Taxonomists recognize at least five subspecies; the variety found in Pennsylvania is known as the eastern wild turkey. Turkey hunters are required to have a valid hunting license along with a turkey permit. Daily limits vary on the season hunter would like to go on.
- General Season: Oct. 31 – May 31, 2021
* Seasons differ based on areas hunted – Visit Pennsylvania’s Turkey Seasons and Bag Limits for more information*