What are the Laws and Regulations for Hunting in Utah?

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) manages and protects Utah’s wildlife, as well as manage hunting and fishing opportunities within the state. When hunting seasons begin in Utah, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits depending on the hunted specie and to take a hunter education class if born after January 1, 1975. As a hunter, you must have permission to lawfully hunt on private land. All deer, elk, and pronghorn hunters are to complete a mandatory hunt report 10 days after harvest. It is unlawful to party hunt or fulfill someone else’s tag as well as hunt without a valid hunting license. It is also illegal to shoot across road ways, shoot from a powered on vehicle, and use any aircraft to locate game.
*Visit Utah’s Laws and Regulations Guidebook for More Information*

Utah has some excellent antelope units. Hunters must have a valid hunting license along with an buck pronghorn permit. The daily limit is one (1) antelope per each buck pronghorn permit. The buck pronghorn must have horns longer than 5 inches. Only archery equipment may be used during the buck pronghorn archery hunt.
- General Season: Sept. 12 – Oct. 1, 2020
- Archery Season: Aug. 15 – Sept. 11, 2020
*Seasons differ based on hunts in different locations – Visit Vermont’s Pronghorn Seasons for specific dates*
Pheasants are a common uupland game to hunt in Utah. To obtain a successful hunting season, all hunters must have a a valid hunting license. Only males may be harvested. The daily bag limit is 2 male birds with 6 male birds in possession.
- General Season: Nov. 7 – Dec. 6, 2020
*Visit Utah’s Pheasant Seasons for more information*

Similar to pronghorn hunting, Elk hunting is a very exciting in Utah. To have a successful elk season, hunters must obtain a valid hunting license and either a spike bull permit or an any bull permit. Arechery hunters must also have a arechery permit as well. Hunter must only hunt one bull or spike bull elk per permit.
- General Season: Sept. 12 – Nov. 15, 2020
- Archery Season: Aug. 15 – Sept. 11
*Seasons differ based on location – Visit Utah’s Elk Seasons for more information*