Wondering what the Laws and Regulations are for Hunting in Washington?

The Washignton Department of Fish and Wildlife maintains Washington’s rich variety of fish and wildlife species at stable, healthy levels and to protect and enhance the many habitats on which they depend. As hunting season begins, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. All successful hunters must also do their daily game report. It is unlawful that hunters trespass private land without permission as well as surpass the daily limit. State law prohibits the use of aircrafts as an aid to locate game and hunt in a powered-on vehicle. It is also illegal to shoot across public roads and waters, and kill or shoot-at any game without the intention of retrieving it.
*Visit Washington’s Hunting and Trapping Guide for More Information*

The mule deer is the most hunted big game animal in Washington. To have a successful hunt during the mule deer season, all hunters must have a hunting license, harvest record, and appropriate deer tags. Bow hunters can only hunt in archery seasons. There is a limit of one (1) buck per hunter for each season. A legal deer taken must have 3 point minimum on one antler and one point must be at least one inch to be counted. Hunters are also required to wear orange/pink fluorescent gear when hunting in an openfield.
- General Season: Oct. 17 – 27, 2020
- Archery Season: Sept. 1st – Dec. 31, 2020
*Seasons differ based on 3 points and antlerless hunts in different zones – Visit Washington’s Deer Seasons for specific season dates*
The ducks of Washington are the most hunted small game of the state. To have a successful hunt, hunters must have a bird stamp (not required for youth under 16), small game license and state migratory bird permit. The daily limit is 7 ducks, to include not more than 2 hen mallard, 1 pintail, 3 scaup, 2 canvasback, and 2 redhead statewide.
- General Season: Oct. 12 – 30 & Nov. 2 – Jan. 26
* Visit Washington’s Duck Seasons for More Information*

Similar to deer hunting, Elk hunting is a very exciting. To successfully hunt elk, all hunters must have, a valid hunting license along with elk tags. Archery tag holders can only hunt during archery elk seasons and must hunt with archery equipment. Hunters must only hunt one elk per season unless they have a Master Hunt Special Permit. A legally taken elk must have a minimum of 3 points on one antler with one point being measured at least one-inch long. State law requires all hunters to gear up in fluorescent orange/pink gear in any area open.
- General Season: Aug. 1st – Jan. 20, 2021
- Archery Season: Aug. 1st – Jan. 20, 2021
*Seasons differ based on Elk Type in different zones – Visit Washington’s Elk Season for specific dates*