Wondering what the Laws and Regulations are for Hunting in Wyoming?

The mission of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is to strive to preserve the integrity of wildlife and sport fisheries by maintaining or improving their natural habitat. As hunting season begins in Wyoming, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful that hunters trespass private land without permission as well as surpassing the daily limit. State law prohibits the use of aircrafts as an aid to locate game and hunt in a powered-on vehicle. It is also illegal to shoot across public roads and waters, and kill or shoot-at any game without the intention of retrieving it.
*Visit Wyoming’s Hunting and Trapping Guide for More Information*

The pronghorn antelope is the most hunted game animal in Wyoming due to the large population. To have a successful hunt during the pronghorn season, all hunters must have a hunting license. Bow hunters must possess a limited quota antelope license and an archery license in order to hunt antelope with archery equipment during any special archery season.
- General Season: Oct. 1st – Nov. 30, 2020
- Archery Season: Aug. 15th – Sept. 30, 2020
*Seasons differ based on sex and age in different areas – Visit Wyoming Antelope Seasons for specific season dates*
Elk hunt can be very exciting hunt especially for trophy. To have a successful hunt, all hunters must have a valid hunting license and elk tags. Hunters must wear fluorescent orange/pink color when hunting elk and other big game animals. Bow hunters must purchase a arechery license beore season begins.
- General Season: Aug. 15 – Jan. 31, 2021
- Archery Season: Sept. 1 – Sept. 30, 2020
* Seasons may differ based on areas – Visit Wyoming’s Elk Season for More Information*

To have a successul mountain lion hunt, mountain lions shall only be taken during open seasons by the use of legal firearms or archery equipment, except as otherwise provided by State statute and Commission regulations. Hunters shall hunt one mountain lion during any one calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
- General Season: Sept. 1 – Aug. 31st, 2021
* Season dates may differ in different areas – Visit Wyoming Mountain Lion Seasons for More Information*