What Are The California Hunting Laws and Regulations?

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is to manage California’s diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend on. To hunt in California, all hunters need a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful to trespass private land without permission along with hunting in a powered-on vehicle. In addition, it is also unlawful to surpass the daily limit and harass game when hunting. Hunting wildlife from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise is also prohibited as well as using night vison devices.
*Visit California Wildlife Fish and Game Guidebook For More Information*

While having a California hunting license, hunters must also have a deer tag to take possession of their game. Before season begins, applicants must be at least or of the age of 12 when July, 1st occurs to take on the hunt. Hunters must report their deer tags for all successful and unsuccessful game. Possession of two deer per license of each season is strictly enforced.
- Archery Season: Aug 15, 2020 – November 20, 2020
- General Season: Aug. 08 – Nov. 22, 2020
*Seasons differ in different zones – Visit California’s Deer Seasons for specific zones*
With California’s perfect weather for quail harvest, it is a very common and popular bird to hunt. To have a successful hunting season, hunters must have a hunting license along with an Upland Game Bird Validation. The daily bag limit of quail is 10 per day with 30 in possession.
- Zone 1 (Mountain Only): Sep 12 – Oct 16
- Zone 1: Oct 17 – Jan 31
- Zone 2: Sep 26 – Jan 31
- Zone 3: Oct 17 – Jan 31
- Archery Season: Aug 15 – Sep 4
*Seasons differ in different zones – Visit California’s Upland Bird Seasons for specific zones*

For ages, elk have played a significant role in the lives of our predecessors. Elk are depicted in thousand-year-old petroglyphs and have played spiritual roles in many societies. The goal of this management plan is to maintain, restore and enhance sustainable elk populations into the future. Through this plan, the Department of Fish and Wildlife will advance strategies for recreational use, establish goals for coordination with other governmental agencies, Tribes and the public, and develop methods to alleviate resource conflicts.
- General Season: September 09, 2020 – December 6, 2020
*Seasons differ in different zones – Visit California’s Elk Seasons for specific zones*