Curious on Maryland Hunting Laws and Regulations?

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources wildlife professionals continue to work with many stakeholders to ensure that they manage resources responsibly and provide you with safe and successful opportunities to hunt. When hunting season begins, all hunters must have a valid hunting license as well as other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. Hunters also must have a copy of their photo ID as well as a hard copy of their hunting license. It is prohibited that hunters shoot within 300 yards of public roads or an occupied building and shooting in a powered-on vehicle. No hunter shall hunt surpassing the daily limit and while being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is also illegal to hunt on private land without the consent of the land owner.
*Visit Maryland’s Hunting Regulations For More Information*

It is estimated that there is over 2000 adult and subadult black bears living in Maryland, mainly residing in 4 different counties. In order to ensure population control, black bears have become an increasingly popular choice for big game hunting in Maryland. In order to participate in a black bear hunt, a hunting license as well as black bear permit are both required. The bag limit is 1 per person, and they may be hunted with either a bow or firearm.
- General Season: October 26-30
*There are regulations in regars to the firearm or bow that can be used. For more information view the Maryland Black Bear hunting guide*
Turkey hunting is divided into three different seasons in Maryland, Spring, Winter, and Fall. During the spring season, only bearded turkeys may be hunted, while during the other two seasons there is no such limitation. They can be hunted with a bow and arrow, or a firearm. A hunting license is required to hunt Maryland turkeys, as well as the use of the Maryland big game hunting record which can be issued along with the license.
- Spring Season: April 19–May 24, Daily Bag Limit 1, 2 per season
- Fall Season: Oct. 31–Nov. 8, bag limit of 1 for both Fall and Winter combined
- Winter Season:Jan. 21–23, bag limit of 1 for both Fall and Winter combined
*The firearm you can use varies by season so be sure to check out the Maryland Turkey Hunting guide for more information.*

Fishers are a furbearing animal, commonly hunted as small game in Maryland. They can be hunted or trapped, and require a hunting license as well as furbearer permit to hunt. They can be hunted with both firearms and a bow, however with some regulations. The daily bag limit is 2 per day, as well as 2 per season.
- General Season: October 31 – February 1
*There are regulations for the type of firearm and bow used. For more information view the Maryland Furbearer hunting guide*