Curious on New Hampshire Hunting Laws and Regulations?

The New Hampshire Fish and Game professionals continue to work with many stakeholders to ensure that they conserve, manage and protect state resources and their habitats. When hunting season begins, all hunters must have a valid hunting license as well as other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is prohibited that hunters shoot within 300 yards of public roads or an occupied building and shooting in a powered-on vehicle. Hunters cannot legally hunt in a powered-on vehicle as wellas use any aircraft to locate any wild game. No hunter shall hunt surpassing the daily limit and while being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is also illegal to hunt on private land without the consent of the land owner and sell, buy, or negotiate any hunted deer, bear, moose, or any part thereof, other than the head, hide, or feet.
*Visit New Hampshire’s Hunting Regulations For More Information*

New Hampshire offers excellent opportunity for grouse and woodcock hunters, especially in the North Country. All hunters must have a valid hunting license along with a small game license. No hunter shall exceed the daily limit of 4 birds per hunt.
- General Season: Oct. 1 – Dec. 31
*Visit New Hampshire’s Grouse Seasons for more information*
In New Hampshire, the white-tailed deer population is approximately 100,000 individuals. State law requires all hunters must have a valid hunting license and a deer permit. Bow hunters shall also have a deer permit for all arechery seasons. Any deer may be taken on the regular archery deer license during the archery season. Hunters participating in an area that is antlered deer only, must only legally take antelered deer with at least one atler 3 inches long. Hunters must legally register their first deer before attempting to take a second.
- General Season: Oct. 31 – Dec. 6, 2020
- Archery Season: Sept. 15 – Dec. 15, 2020
*Seasons differ based on locations – Visit New Hampshire’s Deer Seasons for specific dates*

Wild turkeys in New Hampshire are a wildlife restoration success story. Adult hunters (16 or older) must have a Regular N.H. Hunting, Combination or Archery License and a Turkey License to hunt turkeys. Turkeys must be tagged immediately upon killing. Each turkey license comes with 2 tags which may be used in any order and allow the take of two (2) turkeys per year.
- General Season: Oct. 12–18, 2020 ; May 1–May 31, 2021
- Archery Season: Sept. 15–Dec. 8, 2020 ; Sept. 15–Dec. 15, 2020
*Seasons differ based on fall and spring season – Visit New Hampshire’s Turkey Seasons for more information*