Wondering what the Laws and Regulations are for Hunting in Oklahoma?

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation manages and protects fish and wildlife, along with their habitats, while also growing the community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land. As hunting season begins in Oklahoma, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful that hunters trespass private land without permission as well as surpassing the daily limit. State law prohibits the use of aircrafts as an aid to locate game and hunt in a powered-on vehicle. It is also illegal to shoot across public roads and waters, and kill or shoot-at any game without the intention of retrieving it. It is also unlawful to hunt while being under the influence of alcohol or drugs as well as using artificial light and night vision devices.
*Visit Oklahoma’s Hunting and Trapping Guide for More Information*

The white-tailed deer is the most hunted big game animal in Oklahoma. To have a successful hunt during the white-tailed deer season, all hunters must have a hunting license and a deer license for the specific season hunted. There is limit of six deer no more than two may be antlered for all comined seasons. For any deer, regardless of sex, must have at least three inches of antler length above the natural hairline on either side.
- General Season: Oct. 16 – Dec. 31, 2020
- Archery Season: Oct. 1 – Jan. 15, 2021
*Seasons differ based on hunting methods – Visit Oklahoma’s Deer Seasons for specific dates*
A great hunting tradition in Oklahoma is the December 1 pheasant opener in the panhandle. The population of that part of the state swells on the opening day. To hunt pheasants in Oklahoma, all hunters must have a valid hunting license or proof of exemption. The daily bag limit is two (2) cocks perday with four in opssession on the first day.
- General Season: Dec. 1 – Jan. 31.
*Visit Oklahoma’s Pheasant Seasons for more information*

There are three species of rabbits in the state of Oklahoma. The three speies of rabbits are cotton tail, swamp, and jack rabbit. To have a successful hunting rabbit season, all hunters mut have a valid hunting license or proof of exemption. The daily limit for cotton tails are 10 daily, 20 in possession after the first day, for swamp rabbits it is three daily, six in possession after the first day and for jackrabbits it is three daily, six in possession after the first day, except Cimarron, Texas and Beaver counties are 10 daily, 20 in possession after the first day.
- General Season: Oct. 1 – March 15
*Visit Oklahoma’s Rabbit Seasons for more information*