What are the Hunting Laws and Regulations in South Dakota?

South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks mission is to provide sustainable outdoor recreational opportunities through responsible management of our state’s parks, fisheries and wildlife by fostering partnerships, cultivating stewardship and safely connecting people with the outdoors. They provide hunting regulations to sustain a healthy wildlife population. As hunting seasons begin, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits or stamps depending on the hunted specie. No hunter shall trespass private land without permission or hunt within 100 ft of an occupied building. It is unlawful to hunt in a powered-on vehicle, use any aircraft to locate game, or transport any game out of state line. It is unlawful to shine light as well as using nitght vision devisions to locate game. All hunters must also report their harvest 10 days after their hunting experience. Hunting while being under the influence and harassing game is also prohibited.
* Visit South Dakota Hunting Guide For More Information*

Pronghorn, commonly referred to as antelope, populations in South Dakota persist at lower numbers than were historically present. Pronghorn densities are greatest in the western rangelands of the state but herds exist in most counties west of the Missouri river and some counties directly east of the river. To hunt pronghorn, hunters must have a valid hunting license along with a antelope permit. Hunters shall only hunt one (1) anterlope per permit each year.
- General Seasons: Oct. 3 -18, 2020
- Archery Seasons: Aug. 15 – Oct. 31, 2020
*Visit South Dakota’s Pronghorn Seasons for more information*
With rolling hills and endless prairies, South Dakota is home to the best pheasant hunting in the country. Did you know the average annual pheasant harvest during the past 10 years is 1.2 million roosters? To sucessfully hunt pheasants in South Dakota, residents must have a small game license, any combination license, youth small game license or 1-Day small game license. Non residents must have nonresident small game license or nonresident youth small game license. The daily limit of pheasants are three (3) daily with 15 in possession.
- General Season: Sept. 26 – Jan. 3, 2021
*Season differ based on youth, residential, and traditional – Visit South Dakota’s Pheasant Season for specific dates*

White-tailed deer and mule deer are the most highly sought after big game species in South Dakota and throughout North America. Hunters are required to have a valid hunting license with a deer tag/permit. Hunters are allowed to harvest a buck per tag.
- General Season: Sep 12, 2020 – Jan 1, 2021
- Archery Season: Sep 1, 2020 – Jan 1, 2021
*Seasons differ on location – Visit South Dakota’s Deer Seasons for more information*