Wondering What The Wisconsin Hunting Laws and Regulations Are?

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource protects and enhances our natural resources, wildlife, fish, forests and the ecosystems that sustain all life. When hunting in Wisconsin, all hunters must have a valid hunting license along with other required permits and stamps depending on the hunted specie. It is unlawful to surpass the daily limit along with hunting game on private land without permission. It is also unlawful to hunt in a powered-on vehicle or shoot 100 yds near a public road or an occupied building. No hunter shall sell, buy, import, export, any game animal unless a permit is on hand as well as destroy natural habitats of the game.
*Visit Wisconin’s Hunting Regulations Guidebook For More Information*

The white-tailed deer is the most hunted game animal in Wisconsin. To have a successful hunt during the white-tailed deer season, all hunters must have a hunting license, harvest record, and a required tags. Bow hunters would also need a bow/archer license as well. There is a limit for all seasons which is one buck deer per unused buck deer harvest authorization and one antlerless deer per unused antlerless deer harvest authorization valid for use in the specified zone.
- General Season: Oct. 3 – Jan. 1, 2021
- Archery Season: Sept. 12 – Jan. 31, 2021
*Seasons differ based on antlerless and buck hunts in different zones – Visit Wisconsin’s Deer Seasons for specific zones*
Wild Tukey is the state’s most hunted small game animal. To have a successful turkey season, hunters must have a valid hunting license, spring/fall turkey license, a turkey stamp, and an unfilled turkey harvest authorization valid for the season. Hunter must only take one turkey either sex in the fall, and one bearded or male turkey in the fall. All harvested turkeys must be registered either online or by 844-426-3734 by 5PM the same day.
- General Season: Sept. 12 – June 1, 2021
- Archery Season: SAME
*Seasons differ based on zones and Spring & Fall seasons – Visit Wisconsin’s Turkey Seasons for more information*

Bear hunting in Wisocins is also a pupular hunt. To have a sucessful bear season, hunters must have a valid hunting license, a class A license, and bear tags. Each permit allows the taking of one adult bear not accompanied by a cub or cubs in the chosen zone. Persons born on or after January 1, 1973 must present their Wisconsin Hunter Education Certificate. The hunter is required to possess a paper carcass tag while bear hunting. Successful hunters are required to provide two upper pre-molar teeth in 2020.
- General Season: Sept. 9 – Oct. 13, 2020
- Archery Season: SAME
* Seasons differ based on the aid of dogs and baits in different zones – Visit Wisconsin’s Bear Seasons for more information*